"Fallen" Sankta are implied to be reverting to their "natural" state. In fact, the Sankta are strongly implied to be an artificial race altogether, created via a highly-advanced machine from the "demonic" Sarkaz race which resemble various types of mythological monsters. For one thing, there is an enigmatic "law" that the Sankta must follow, and if they break this law - such as willfully drawing a gun and shooting another Sankta, they can "fall," causing their halos to dim and making them sprouts horns and demonic tails. Later revelations in the story, particularly the side story Guide Ahead, reveals weird things about them.Other than that, they're ordinary flesh-and-blood humanoids with no connection to the spiritual realm or the afterlife, and their nation's Hat is the advancement of firearm techology. They also possess an empathic Hive Mind, allowing them to detect the emotions and metnal state of other Sankta. They have haloes and small wings made of light, and tend to be highly religious.Arknights: The Sankta race is angel-inspired.Arena.Xlsm: Their existence is referenced in by the name of the "Summon Angelic Horde" spell.Arena of Valor: There are two angels amongst the ranks of Veda, but despite using the 'winged angel' general motif, generally being compassionate yet somehow does not heal others, and their names end with '-iel' they're different:.Aion: You start your character's life by ascending to become essentially an angel of your race's gods.When you reach the end of the Portal, you're attacked by a Black Angel, an alien, sword-toting legless monster who can shoot electricity and tries to shank you. After the War: Mark's diary mentions an Angel who came from beyond the Portal and revealed himself to him.The English version doesn't want you to know that. In the sequel, you look like a angel, but are actually supposed to be god.You use it do things like kill demonic creatures, bless your people's crops, or burn their houses down. Basically, it's a combination of a putto and a Christian angel: looking like the former, while performing the role of the latter. In the first gameyou have a little angel buddy you control in the city maintenance levels that acts as an intermediate between you and your people.
#Bendy and the ink machine alice angel belly expansion full
You were twitching, belly full of cum, some if it leaking down onto Bendy and the floor below. A minute later Bendy waved the tentacles off, moving to place you in his lap, head resting on his chest. The way you convulsed and moaned had got him there, he just needed-fuck-you ground your hips up into the tentacles, causing a final snap in Bendy's abdomen, warm ink-cum shooting into your holes and all over your stomach and chest. Bendy almost felt bad that he was causing you overstimulation, almost. You barely heard Bendy grunt, his hands coming to place on your thighs, hips aligning with yours. Your moans had nearly turned to screams, body convulsing as you despritly tired to close your legs. Bendy paused for a second, wondering what had just happened before repeating the flicking motion again, causing more clear liquid to come out of you. On one special flick to your clit done by your husband a band snapped, liquid rushing out and drenching the floor beneath you, as well as your husbands hand. It almost hurt the way the tentacles bullied your cervix, pressing up against it and winding around it. Bendy's hand lowered again, fingertip gently rubbing against your slit. "Then that's no fun, huh darling? Be a good girl and take it for me." He whispered into your ear, a shiver running down your spine.

No teasing." The demon grumbled at your words, his other hand moving from your back up to your hair, giving you an affectionate pet. Although, your body was begging for it, Bendy only teased you, one of his fingers gently dipping below to graze against your clit. The inside of your thighs were already wet with arousal, how badly you wanted to add Bendy's tongue and saliva to it. Your hips bucked up, cunt begging to be touched. A moan left your throat as his teeth scratched you, pricks gently digging down into your flesh. A trail of transparent ink was left on your neck, sliding down onto your shirt. He began to lick your neck, points of his teeth slightly digging into your skin. Bendy's large tongue slowly slivered between his lips, slimey drool dripping from his mouth and onto your shoulder. There was absolutely no doubt that the demon could easily tear your head off in one fowl swoop, the danger making your cunt throb and inner-thighs wet. He never liked to do it while you watched, but liked to do it against your neck. A few months back you had learned that Bendy could open is infinite smile, what used to be a smooth mouth was replaced by many razor sharp teeth. His head leaned forward, forcing your head to the side.